Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First complete walk cycle

When we were doing the 2d animation brief, one of the things I attempted to do, but failed in, was create a walk cycle for my doom character. I spend an age getting about halfway through, and then finding that it was a total mess,nothing was moving as i'd expected it to, and loads of weird stuff that I couldn't figure out was happening. Having now watched and read several tutorials relating to character animation, I went back and had another go at creating a walk cycle with the graphics i'd previosly created. I now know loads of fundamenal mistakes I made when making my first attempt, such as how to group things properly and moving the translation point in the first frame before creating the end keyframe (which copletely explained why my characters foot was leaping out in front the first time round). So here it is, an actual working walkcycle. It could do with a lot of refinement, I think the strides could do with being a bit longer as the legs look a bit like they're shuffling/sliding along while the arms are taking quite long swings. Lots of other thing that could be done to improve on it, but for now i'm happy bits of the anatomy aren't flying all over the place.

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