Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ad 4: Adidas Skate Commercial

Another advertisment for skate shoes, but a complete contrast from the previous DVS ad, which was all based around the post production. This ad is based around one continuous camera shot, some well planned choreography and the consistent abilities of the skaters. It doesn't even use any music, just the natural sounds of people skating. Again this advert doesn't directly present a specific product to you, but there does seem to be an attempt to draw the viewers eye to the skaters shoes through the choice of having them wear brightly coloured models such as red and turquoise, which stand out especially against the fairly washed out colours of the environment. Like a lot of advertising, the fame and popularity of individuals is harnessed to sell the product. In the DVS advert it was soley focused on one of the companies sponsored professional skaters. Here they have several members of their professional team all featuring in the same commercial, broadening its appeal. Its an effective advert, its original, and it focuses on two of the best elements of skateboarding: cruising through the streets and skating with your friends, which gives it a relatable appeal. I've got a lot of respect for the patience it must have taken to put this together, becuase no matter how well planned and timed everything is, it only takes one little error on the cameraman or one of the skaters parts to send it all back to the beginning. Nicely cordinated, nicely executed, the camera manages to keep on top of the action and get in position well with the varying speeds of everyone involved.

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