Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Maya

After messing around timing the squash/stretch of my character to his points of impact and peaks during his bounces, I had a go at using Set Driven Key to set the high factor of the squash to the peak of the y translation, and the low factor of the squash to the low point on the y translation, instead of just keying it on the timeline as I had been. This produced a better looking result, and is in fact much easier. It would also means that if I changed the timing of his bounces, the squash would automatically change with it. Bonus. However, as I already had some squash and stretch keyed in on the timeline prior to using the set driven key, I found I was having a few problems when I was trying to set the squash back to zero when he'd finished bouncing. He was moving upwards on the y axis as he became less squashed. So it's back to the timeline keyed version I had been using. On the plus I managed to use the graph editor to move the keys for the bounces closer together to speed up the movement, as it had been rather slow and floaty before. I'd planned on just speeding it up in after effects after I'd rendered it out, but there'll be no need for that anymore.

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