Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This animation was written/directed/produced by Run Wrake in 2005, and has won quite a selection of awards. Apparently Run came across some 1950's educational stickers in a junk shop, and scanned them to use as the basis for this animation. Having a limited source to create the movement of the characters from was one of the biggest challenges in its creation. I hadn't really considered using found materials to animate with before, the result that's been achieved here is really impressive. From what I've learnt lately I imagine this was created in After Effects, it has all of the nice layering and depth. It took a little over a year to complete, and for the first 8 months Run was working solo on it, before enlisting the help of another animator for 4 months, then another for the last month, so it was an incredibly small team. It's a great tale, with the subversion of innocence, a moral message and the continuity of the cycle of nature. Composing such a story from pre-existing still images is testament to the great imagination Run Wrake must have.

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