Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saves The Day - At Your Funeral

This video was made in 2001 by Maureen Egan and Matthew Barry for the Saves The Day song At Your Funeral. They made this video using motion control. To summarise it in brief, motion control involves having a camera set to run through an exact motion over a set period of time. This motion can then be repeated over and over, meaning different things can be fimed with the same shot then composited together. That's how the effect of having one continuous rotational shot, inspite of having the elements of the room change, is created. Very similar to the effect in The All-Seeing Eye installation, but created in a completely different way. The singer who stays constantly in the centre of the shot would have been filmed against a green screen and then composited into the footage. It all produces a pretty interesting end result, showing the life of a man from birth to death within the walls of his home, then the start of the cycle anew at the end. Lovely.

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